8. Quotations from Biblical and Bahá’í Scriptures

Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps [of search] burning, like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching [investigating] when he comes. I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready… _Christ (Luke 12:35-38)

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. _Christ (Luke 12:32)

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth… _Christ (Matt. 5:3)
If you search with all your heart, I will let you find me… _Jeremiah 29:14

…when a true seeker determineth to take the step of search in the path leading to the knowledge of the Ancient of Days, he must, before all else, cleanse and purify his heart…that no remnant of either love or hate may linger therein, lest that love blindly incline him to error, or that hate repel him away from the truth.154 _Bahá’u’lláh

Sanctify your souls from whatsoever is not of God, and taste ye the sweetness of rest within the pale of His vast and mighty Revelation, and beneath the shadow of His supreme and infallible authority.155 _Bahá’u’lláh

I have perfected in every one of you My creation, so that the excellence of My handiwork may be fully revealed unto men. It follows, therefore, that every man hath been, and will continue to be, able of himself to appreciate the Beauty of God, the Glorified. Had he not been endowed with such a capacity, how could he be called to account for his failure? If, in the Day when all the peoples of the earth will be gathered together, any man should, whilst standing in the presence of God, be asked: “Wherefore hast thou disbelieved in My Beauty and turned away from My Self,” and if such a man should reply and say: “Inasmuch as all men have erred, and none hath been found willing to turn his face to the Truth, I, too, following their example, have grievously failed to recognize the Beauty of the Eternal,” such a plea will, assuredly, be rejected. For the faith of no man can be conditioned by any one except himself.156 _Bahá’u’lláh

Man’s highest station…is attained through faith in God in every Dispensation and by acceptance of what hath been revealed by Him…157 _ The Báb

Beware lest the transitory things of human life withhold you from turning unto God, the True One. Ponder ye in your hearts the world and its conflicts and changes, so that ye may discern its merit and the station of those who have set their hearts upon it…158 _Bahá’u’lláh

I desire communion with thee, but thou wouldst put no trust in Me…At all times I am near unto thee, but thou art ever far from Me…While there is yet time, return, and lose not thy chance.159 _Bahá’u’lláh

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. _Jeremiah, 33:3

Teach me thy way, O Lord. _Psalms 27:11