Day: January 17, 2022

A “Science of Religion” Approach to “Figuring Out Prophecy”

The very first sentence of Shoghi Effendi’s June 1933 letter to the High Commissioner for Palestine (Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope) is this: “The Revelation proclaimed by Bahá’u’lláh, His followers believe, is divine in origin, all-embracing in scope, broad in its outlook, scientific in its method, humanitarian in its principles and dynamic in the influence it […] Read More

Awake But Not Woke

The topic of this talk is – My purpose is two-fold: (1) to demonstrate the conflicts between contemporary ‘woke-ism’ and the Baha’i Writings and (2) to show how the Baha’i Writings offer better intellectual and practical alternatives to work for social justice goals in today’s world. As part of my presentation, I shall show how […] Read More

Ian Kluge, MA, ABD

Ian Kluge is an independent philosophy scholar who specializes in developing a philosophic approach to the Baha’i Writings and contemporary social issues. He has published numerous papers in various journals and texts on this subject. He presents his ideas at and on the Baha’i Philosophy Channel on Youtube. He and his wife Kirsti live […] Read More