Month: January 2021

A Logical Proof of the Existence of God

Abdu’l-Baha has expressed this conception of the nature of knowledge in the following terms: Reflect that man’s power of thought consists of two kinds. One kind is true, when it agrees with a determined “reality.” Such conceptions find realization in the exterior world; such are accurate opinions, correct theories, scientific discoveries and inventions. The other […] Read More

The Purpose of Creation Part 3 – Barriers between The Soul and Its Creator

In this final presentation on “The Purpose of Creation,” our speaker will discuss, what barriers exist between man and God. He(Baha’u’llah) exhorts the believers to pass beyond these so that they may attain His Presence.Attachment to the things of this world,Attachment to the rewards of the next world,Attachment to the Kingdom of Names.These formidable barriers […] Read More

The Purpose of Creation Part 2

The Relationship between the Body and the SoulIn today’s world, there is a widespread school of thought in which the human being is considered to be an entirely material entity. In this view, even the apparently non-material aspects of a human being, such as the mind, the intellect, the imagination etc, are regarded merely as […] Read More

The Purpose of Creation Part 1

“The Purpose of Creation,” is a compilation by Kambiz Hakim that illustrates the Love relationships between God and Humanity with the Manifestation of God as the central point and connection between us to our Creator. In this Part 1 of 3, we will discuss the 4-Loves:1.)Love of the Creator for His Creation.2.)The Love of the […] Read More

Abdu’l-Baha in Paris, 1913

While the time Abdu’l-Baha traveled throughout the West is well known through Paris Talks, His almost five months there in the winter and spring of 1913 is less appreciated. This period was different in character from the rest of His travels in the West. Read More

Mr. Kambiz Hakim

Mr. Kambiz Hakim was born in Tehran Iran, at the age of fourteen, He went to England for his education. In 1968 He moved to New York and studied Engineering at the New York University School of Engineering, which He graduated from in 1972. He lived and worked in New York until 2009, during that […] Read More