The course was aimed at inspiring a group of 90 youth to study the writings of Shoghi Effendi and deepen in the Covenant in order to become defenders of the Cause. Mr. Ali Nakhjavani gave talks each morning and answered questions in the afternoon that were collected in the three books now available on-line entitled ‘Towards World Order’, ‘Shoghi Effendi: Author of Teaching Plans’ and ‘The Power and Range of his Pen.’ Mrs. Nakhjavani shared wonderfully inspiring stories in the evenings about several Hands of the Cause and exciting adventures in her years as a pioneer in Africa. And Bahiyyih gave a series of introductory presentations, followed by workshops, which offered the youth from multiple linguistic backgrounds with tools for discovering the hidden anatomy and exploring the beauty of Shoghi Effendi’s sentence structures. She will be sharing some of these reading tools with us during the course of the presentation this week.
For further reading and information please visit: https://bahiyyihnakhjavani.com/news/interviews/
Reference materials used in the Presentation: The-Art-and-Science-Reading-Shoghi-Effendi